Advisors: Daniel Friedeberg
City: Cupertino
State: California
Lender type: Life Insurance Company
Property type: Retail
Transaction type: Refinance
Loan amount: $8,000,000

Barry Slatt Mortgage President, Daniel Friedeberg, along with team members, Kelvin Lam and Marina Elias recently closed an $8,000,000 loan on 15,525 square foot shopping center in Cupertino, California. It was done with an aggressive 10-year fixed rate and a 30-year amortization.

The loan was placed through Daniel and Barry Slatt Mortgage because of their deep relationships with correspondent insurance company lenders. This loan was closed by Thrivent Financial, a Barry Slatt Mortgage correspondent lender. Barry Slatt Mortgage will be servicing the loan as part of their $3.7 Billion portfolio.

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