Market Update Blog

February 8, 2018

Janet Yellen, Chairman of the Federal Reserve stepped down from office last week. President Donald Trump replaced her with Federal Governor Jerome Powell. Powell has a big job ahead of him with hints of inflation reportedly creeping into the economy….

February 1, 2018

The 10-year benchmark US Treasury closed today at 2.78 percent. This rate is up from its 12-month low in August, 2017 of 2.06 percent. According to a 1-31-18 article in Bloomberg by Jeremy Herron, “Investors are weighing the path of…

January 18, 2018

The new year reminds economists to look into their crystal balls once again. Below is a sample of mainstream economic forecasts for 2018. We are entering the 9th year of a bull market, and stocks recently hit a record high….

January 11, 2018

It is a new year and the market for commercial loans continues to be ever-changing. The following are market trends that have been identified by Barry Slatt Mortgage. Interest rates for long-term fixed-rate loans continue to remain at all-time lows….

December 14, 2017

Barry Slatt Mortgage would like to profile a correspondent lender program. The following outlines one of our most competitive Life Insurance Company correspondent lenders in the market: Loan amounts range from $2-30 million Lends Nationally in major markets Typical loan…