Janet Yellen, Chairman of the Federal Reserve stepped down from office last week. President Donald Trump replaced her with Federal Governor Jerome Powell. Powell has a big job ahead of him with hints of inflation reportedly creeping into the economy….
The 10-year benchmark US Treasury closed today at 2.78 percent. This rate is up from its 12-month low in August, 2017 of 2.06 percent. According to a 1-31-18 article in Bloomberg by Jeremy Herron, “Investors are weighing the path of…
Life Company lenders are interested in more than just squeaky-clean deals! Here are 7 things you probably didn’t know about Life Company lenders 1. Life Insurance Companies make loans. All the time. In hot markets; in downturns. In low cap-rate environments;…
The new year reminds economists to look into their crystal balls once again. Below is a sample of mainstream economic forecasts for 2018. We are entering the 9th year of a bull market, and stocks recently hit a record high….
It is a new year and the market for commercial loans continues to be ever-changing. The following are market trends that have been identified by Barry Slatt Mortgage. Interest rates for long-term fixed-rate loans continue to remain at all-time lows….
Barry Slatt Mortgage would like to profile a correspondent lender program. The following outlines one of our most competitive Life Insurance Company correspondent lenders in the market: Loan amounts range from $2-30 million Lends Nationally in major markets Typical loan…