Market Update Blog

November 1, 2018

The Barry Slatt Mortgage team was an exhibitor at RealShare Apartments 2018 conference earlier this week. The following were our top takeaways. The multi-family sector is and will continue to be the favorite product type or real estate investors heading…

October 25, 2018

The following are 4th quarter market trends that have been identified by Barry Slatt Mortgage. Interest rates for long-term fixed-rate loans have increased throughout the year, however, they are still considered low based on historical standards. While adjustable rate loans…

October 18, 2018

Barry Slatt Mortgage would like to profile a correspondent lender program. The following outlines one of our most competitive Life Insurance Company correspondent lenders in the market: Loan amounts range from $5,000,000 – $50,000,000 Nationwide lending platform with a preference towards…

September 20, 2018

The commercial real estate industry is split on the stance of small balance commercial loans. Many mortgage bankers, lenders, and brokers view small balance loans as inefficient to invest in, broker, and or place. On the other hand, there are…