Market Update Blog

November 14, 2019

This week has been another interesting week in the Treasury bond market. The 10-year benchmark Treasury hit 1.95% earlier this week due to rumors of a conclusion in the China trade deal. Also, bond traders have been cautiously watching the…

November 7, 2019

As we head into the final 7 weeks of 2019, Barry Slatt Mortgage would like to talk about 4th quarter market trends we have identified: Interest rates for long-term fixed-rate loans have decreased substantially since the end of 2018 when…

October 31, 2019

The Barry Slatt Mortgage team was an exhibitor at the GlobeSt Apartments 2019 conference earlier this week. The following were our top takeaways. The multi-family sector is and will continue to be the favorite product type or real estate investors heading…

October 10, 2019

As a company deeply rooted in financing retail properties, we are currently finding continued scrutiny towards the financing of retail properties in the marketplace. Daniel Friedeberg, CEO at Barry Slatt Mortgage, recently discussed this topic with Michael Kaplan, President, at…